
I am a mother and wife first, but for years I have lived with the other half of my heart in my kitchen. I am completely fascinated with food. I find cooking and baking to be so rewarding. It’s not exactly about the moment when you find that PERFECT recipe, but when you get the chance to share you delicious creations. My blog is focused around family friendly dishes, desserts, breads, snacks and any other recipes I find too good to keep locked away in my dark recipe box.  Along the way, I will provide lots of pictures and great tips to make the most of your cooking adventures.  I hope you enjoy my recipes. I welcome any comments, questions, suggestions, tips or tricks that you would be willing to share. Enjoy and God bless!

2 comments on “About

  1. Donna says:

    I didn’t fall in love with cooking til my 40’s. Now,if the world was falling down around me,I’d want to feed EVERYONE! I feed my whole block and they love it. Several elderly who can no longer cook or bake but miss home cooked goodies. I get more pleasure than they do!LOVE trying new things. Got so sick of the same ol’,same ol’.Funny part is-I don’t like sweets so don’t have to worry about gaining weight!LOL.I just bake and give it away,that’s my secret.

    • Oh Donna, I wish I didn’t like sweets! They are my #1 weakness. And I knew it from the beginning that you were such a sweet person without even meeting you and now this just confirms my suspicions 🙂 Those are some lucky friends of yours. Hope you are having a great week!

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